Since 1883, Erskine Academy has played an important role in the lives of the families we serve. It has received recognition for the excellence of its facility, the quality of its educational programs, and its safe and disciplined environment. The ongoing generosity of individuals and businesses has made this achievement possible, and gifts of all sizes are crucial to the institution’s continued success.
Why does Erskine Academy need to raise money every year—don’t the “sending towns” pay the school tuition for their students?
While our eight sending towns do pay tuition for their students, that amount is calculated each year by the state. The tuition allowance always falls short of what it actually costs to educate an Erskine student. Every year Erskine depends on support from the Annual Fund to bridge that gap and make up the difference.
Your gifts matter because…
- you are changing for the better the lives of many young people in your community and beyond.
- they go above and beyond what Erskine receives in paid tuition, an amount that does not cover the entire cost of educating each student.
- they are your investment in the future of Erskine Academy.
- you are making a statement about giving back.
- they mean you value your Erskine education.
- you are helping to uphold the Mission of Erskine Academy: Through an extensive academic program, rich and meaningful experiences, and a caring school community, the Academy develops a firm foundation in scholarship, leadership, stewardship, and relationships.
- you are exemplifying what matters… and that is an extraordinary gift.
On behalf of the Erskine Academy students, Board of Trustees, and teachers and staff—THANK YOU!
Erskine Academy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has qualified as required by 9 MSRA, Chapter 385 and is registered as an Exempt Charitable Organization. Gifts are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.