—Baccalaureate, Sunday, June 4th @ 4:00 pm (at EA):
This is a very short ceremony intended to honor our graduates, including a benediction (a blessing for the class). Seniors and their families are invited to attend (no limit on number other than the capacity of our gym).
—Class Night, Wednesday, June 7th @ 6:30 pm (at EA):
This is the awards ceremony for seniors which includes the presentation of academic awards and larger scholarships. Seniors and their families are invited to attend (no limit on number other than capacity of our gym).
—Renaissance Assembly, Friday, June 9th @ 7:45 am (at EA):
This is the final school-wide Renaissance assembly at which students and staff are recognized. All seniors should be present as we do have a scheduled mandatory marching practice at the Civic Center following this assembly. Family members of award recipients have been invited to attend, but very often other senior parents attend as well as this is the final time in which seniors will march into the gym in their caps & gowns. Since this is a school-wide assembly involving our full student body and faculty, seating is limited to the chairs on the floor.
—Graduation, Friday, June 9th at 6:30 pm (at the Augusta Civic Center):
Presentation of diplomas and other ceremonial events to honor the graduating seniors. Senior families are invited to attend and there are no tickets required–as such, there is no limit as to how many guests each senior may invite (the only limit is the capacity of the Civic Center itself).